Klára Samková attended a protest meeting against islamic imigration

Klára Samková yesterday (28.10.2015) attended a protest meeting called "No to Islamic immigration" in Brno, that was organized by the Block against Islam together with the political party Dawn - National Coalition. In her public speech she stated that she wants to fight against Islam first with using all legal ways, but in case of their failure she would be forced to use any other form of defence that would be at least equal to those used by the counterparty. She also mentioned all the women from the Muslim countries hit by war that are left alone and helpless in their homelands after the massive migration of their men to Europe, what makes them the next direct victims of this Islamic migrational wave as well as their so called religion itself. Just in their name, as well as in the name of the citizens of our country that could be threatened in the same way in the future, wants Klára Samková continue in her fight against Islam and prevent its spread in our country.  

video from this event (in CZ) can be watched HERE.

Reports in the media (in CZ):

Parlamentní listy: http://www.parlamentnilisty.cz/arena/monitor/Nikdo-mi-nebude-prikazovat-koho-si-mam-vzit-s-kym-mam-spat-a-komu-rodit-deti-Klara-Samkova-pred-stovkami-lidi-burcovala-proti-islamu-405594 

ČTK / České noviny: http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/regiony/zpravy/v-brne-se-dnes-seslo-na-protest-proti-islamu-kolem-1500-lidi/1274936

iDnes.cz: http://zpravy.idnes.cz/po-cesku-demonstruji-odpurci-migrantu-dyp-/domaci.aspx?c=A151028_144245_domaci_fer

Novinky.cz: http://www.novinky.cz/domaci/384753-prazska-namesti-na-svatek-obsadili-demonstranti-zasahovali-tezkoodenci.html

Advokátní kancelář Klára Samková s.r.o. je pojištěna pro případ odpovědnosti za škodu do výše 50 000 000 Kč ročně.

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