Duel between Klára Samková and Michael Kocáb on the series „Events and Comments“ on Czech Television
22. 10. 2015
Lawyer Klára Samková and ex-politician Michael Kocáb met on Czech Television's public-law discussion series „Events and Comments“ on the topic of refugeeism and the current immigration crisis in Europe. Whilst Michael Kocáb took a favourable stance towards immigrants and in his opinion there is not much that can be done given the situation and it is necessary to receive immigrants unconditionally to avoid their radicalisation, Klára Samková took the opposite position - she refuses to receive so-called refugees, above all with regard to the security risk and possible loss of European identity.
Watch the video HERE (in CZ, time 17:15): http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/1096898594-udalosti-komentare/215411000370825/
Advokátní kancelář Klára Samková s.r.o. je pojištěna pro případ odpovědnosti za škodu do výše 50 000 000 Kč ročně.
Kromě tohoto pojištění je každý spolupracující advokát pojištěn na částku 7 500 000 Kč ročně.
Pokud advokát zanedbá svou práci tak, že poškodí zájmy svého klienta, vzniklou škodu uhradí klientovi pojišťovna advokáta.