

Although most of the co-operating advocates of the Klára Samková law firm have undergone mediation training, none of them is a registered mediator.   The reason why members of the law firm, including Klára Samková herself, have not registered as mediators is that the Czech Bar Association and the Ministry of Justice only recognize so-called "facilitative mediation".

Rozhovory s mediátorkou ing. Kateřinou Bělkovou

Rozhovory s mediátorkou ing. Kateřinou Bělkovou

Přinášíme dva rozhovory s naší spolupracovnicí, mediátorkou ing. Kateřinou Bělkovou. V těchto rozhovorech se ing. Bělková objasnění tématu mediace podrobně věnuje. Všem našim klientům mediaci vřele doporučujeme, a to samozřejmě nejen u ing. Bělkové. 

Advokátní kancelář Klára Samková s.r.o. (Legal office Klára Samková, Ltd.) is insured against liability for damages up to CZK 50,000,000 per year.

In addition to this insurance, each cooperating lawyer is insured for CZK 7,500,000 per year.

If an attorney neglects his/her work in such a way as to damage the interests of his/her client, the damage incurred shall be reimbursed to the client by the attorney's insurance company.