Právo: Islám zotročuje svět, hlásá Samková

V deníku Právo vyšla krátká reportáž ze křtu nové knihy Kláry Samkové "Proč islám nesmí do Česka", který proběhl 13. 9. 2016 v Café Louvre v Praze.

reportáž Právo


Advokátní kancelář Klára Samková s.r.o. (Legal office Klára Samková, Ltd.) is insured against liability for damages up to CZK 50,000,000 per year.

In addition to this insurance, each cooperating lawyer is insured for CZK 7,500,000 per year.

If an attorney neglects his/her work in such a way as to damage the interests of his/her client, the damage incurred shall be reimbursed to the client by the attorney's insurance company.