JUDr. Klára A. Samková, Ph.D.

JUDr. Klára A. Samková, Ph.D.

born on March 23rd, 1963 in Brno
eml.: klara.samkova@lawyers.cz 
Facebook: klára samková
personal website: www.zrcadleni.cz
phone to the legal office: 224 211 816
address: Czech Republic, 120 00 Prague 2, Španělská 742/6


1.1. Current Position:
The owner and manager of the law office JUDr. Klára Samková currently employs nine lawyers
a) Civil law with emphasis on real estate and tenancy related rights
b) matters of the association of unit owners
c) Family law with special emphasis on the defence of rights of divorced parents to full-valued participation in the education of children as not entrusted to their care
d) counselling in personal situations, with particular emphasis on addressing relationships with the knowledge in the fields of law and psychology; coaching in difficult personal situations related to legal / life changes.
e) Administration law and administration proceeding agenda
f) Defence of offenders who are, in the view of the attorney-at-law, inadmissibly and wilfully criminalized in particular in the field of economic criminality and in relation to those crimes that tend to be  subjectively assessed (possession of narcotics for own consumption, crime of defamation, infringement of rights of another, perjured testimony and the like)
g) Systematic approach to all areas of the law from the point of view of the respect to the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Constitution of the Czech Republic including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
1.2. Professional Career:
2006 – 2007 Expert assistant at the Department of Social Sciences of the Mining University, Ostrava, teaching rudiments of law, 0.33 employment
1994 –now attorney-at-law
1990 – 1993 Commercial lawyer – member of the Chamber of Commercial Lawyers
1992 – 3/1993 Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry
1990 – 1992 Deputy of Parliament of Czech and Slovak Federation, member of the Constitutional and Legal Committee, vice-chairwoman of the Commission of the Federal Assembly for Human Rights, elected for the Civil Forum, Rom/Gypsy Civic Initiative
1989 – 1990 Provision of private legal services without the Bar membership based on the Ordinance of the Government of the CSR No. 1/1988 Coll. on the Sale of Goods and Provision of Other Services based on permit grated by the national committee.
1988 – 1989 Lawyer of the Administration Section of the Housing Department of the National Committee of the Capital of Prague.
1987 – 1988 Lawyer of the Internal Matters Department (Administration Department)  of the District National Committee Prague 1, in charge of administrative infraction agenda

1.3. Other Professional Experience in the Field of Law:
2018 Member of the Union of Family Attorneys
2016 Legal counselling on the production of "The Time in Paradise" (Screenplay by Josef Urban).
2008 Member of the task force of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic for the re-codification to the Act on Sworn Experts and Interpreters.
2007 – 2008 Member of the task force of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic for the preparation of the new codification of the Civil Code.
2006 – 2009 Legal consultant to the Civil Association Europlatform (see www.europlatform.cz) – cooperation in matters of the harmonisation of Czech legislation with the law of the European Union.
2000 – 2005 Legal consultant and collaborator to Euro-Czech Forum, civic association of the British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic, the Czech-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, French-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Dutch-Czech Commercial Association (see www.ecf.cz).
2001 – 2004 Member of the task force for the preparation of legislation changes of the Commercial Register.
1994 – 1999 Manager of projects of legal assistance to excluded members of Romany communities - Legal Assistance Clinical Centre of the Civil Association Dženo.
1997 – 1999 Member of the Remonstrance Commission of the Ministry of Interior for the asylum proceedings representing the Czech Bar.
1996 – 1998 Member of the Czech Bar commission for the attorney-at-law tariff.

1.4. Abroad Short-term Attachments and Research Fellowships:
2015 Participation in a conference organized by the European Parliament and the Kurdish National Representation on "Reconstruction of the Coban" at the EP, Brussels.
2006 – now Annual participation in conferences concerning the theory of law held by the Institute of the State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Science.
2000 Four-month research fellowship at the College of Law of England and Wales, London based on invitation received from the British Council.
1993 – 1998 Participation in a number of international conferences on law primarily focused on human rights; in the framework of the cooperation with Minority Rights Group London, women organisations related to the UK MP Lesley Abdela – London, American Seminary at Salzburg, Austria, Project on Ethnic Relations, Princeton – USA, Oecumenical Council of Churches, Switzerland, Institute of Federalism, Fribourg – Switzerland, Human Rights Caucus of the US Congress, European Council, Strasbourg, European Roma Rights Centre Budapest, Institute of Mediterranean Studies, Athens, Greece in Paris, London, on Trinidad, Athens, Budapest, Salzburg, Strasbourg, Belfast, New York and Washington, D.C.
1993 Participation in a public hearing on the position of Roma/Gypsy people in the Central and Eastern Europe at the Joint Committee for Human Rights of the US Congress and Senate based on invitation the democratic congressman Tom Lantos.
1992 Four months research fellowship in the US Congress, in the office of the republican congressman Christopher Cox and the US Bar Association based on invitation by National Forum Foundation/ Freedom House
1991     Three weeks research fellowship at the Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
1991    Three month research fellowship in Canada, based on invitation of the Canadian Bar Association in the Canadian Parliament and the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Ottawa
1.5. Education and Qualification:
1977 – 1981 Grammar School Brno, Lerchova Str.
1981 Faculty of Science, UJEP, Brno
1982 – 1983 Faculty of Law, UJEP, Brno
1983 – 1986 Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague
1986 doctorate in the history of the state and law and theory of law, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague, thesis topic: „Transition from Democratic to Nazi Government in Germany in 1933“.
2008    Completion of the doctoral programme at the Department of Theory of Law of the Faculty of Law of MU, Brno; dissertation thesis topic: „Protection of Human Rights with Regard to Their Origin“
1.6. Chosen Expert Publications:

I. server www.epravo.cz: approximately 25 articles primarily on the civil and constitutional law published in 2005 – 2008, with as wider theoretical context:

a) Validity of a Contract Executed in a Foreign Language. E-PRAVO.CZ, 2007, 47148s. 44148-44149. ISSN 1213-189X. 2007.
b) Saliba vs Malta. E-PRAVO.CZ, 2007, 47520s. 47520-47522. ISSN 1213-189X. 2007.

c) Fittings and Fixtures. E-PRAVO.CZ, 2007, 47412s. 47412-47413. ISSN 1213-189X. 2007.

II. Magazine e-právo:

a) Theoretical Problems and Historic Perception of the Right to Own Property in the Mirror of the 20th Century. epravo.cz magazine, Prague : epravo.cz a.s., 2007, No. 4, pages  92 - 93, 2 s. ISSN 1802-1492. 2007.

III. Bulletin advokacie (Czech Bar Association Bulletin):

a) Report from Strasbourg, Bulletin advokacie,

b) On Attorneys-at-law and People : Bulletin advokacie, 2007, No. 6, page 8-10, 3 s. ISSN 1210-6348. 2007.

IV. Soudce (The Judge) (published by Union of Judges)

a) On Attorney-at-Law, (simultaneously with Bulletin advokacie No. 6/2006) ISSN:            1210-6348

b) When Judges Dance

c) Sworn Expert in Souls

d) Off shore Companies (from the point of view the family law)¨

V. Proceedings of conferences and thematic textbooks

a) Justice Returns the Strike. In: „Privatisation of the Public Power“ Bratislava (SR): Institute of the State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Science, 2009. Pages 55-72, 17 s. ISBN 978-80-8095-024-8.

b) Law and Its Biological Roots. In What is the Law? Bratislava (SR): Institute of Law of the Slovak Academy of Science, 2008

c) Position of the Legal Profession in the Czech Judicial System, in: Belarus´s Journey to Europe – law, the economy and politics in the context of the process of European integration, Europlatform 2006, page. 30 - 36

d) Reform of the Justice or the Reform of the Judges? In: Does the Czech Justice Need a Reform? Centre for Economy and Politics (CEP) No. 34/2004, page 69 - 75

e) Commercial justice. In: Agenda 2003, Euro Czech Forum 2003, ISBN 80-239-0045-5

VI. Separate articles in various media and separate publications

a) Ballade on the Stump. A contribution to the textbook – homage to JUDr. E. Wagnerová, 2009,

b) About the Romany Issue. In: Public Administration 2008, č. 12, Annex

c) The Meaning of “Attle” and Its legal Position. In: Mineral raw Materials, Brno: Mining Union Brno, 2007, No. 3, pages 22-23, 2 s. ISSN 1212-7248. 2007.

d) Right to Law and Efficient Justice. Civil Association Europlatform, Legal Series, No. 1, Prague 2007. 33 s. ISBN 987-80-254-1409-5 (Czech and English version)
1.7. Other Literary Works:
2011– now commentator of “Parlamentní listy”
2009 – 2010 occasional legal consultant of articles and author of commentaries published in the journal Profit
2004 – 2005 Contributor to the Právo newspaper´s tabloid „Firma“ – series of articles on legal problems in particular in the field of business.
1998 – 2001 Cooperation with the Czech edition of Cosmopolitan, legal section manager.
1.8. Membership in Professional Organisations:
2018 – now Member of the Union of Family Attorneys
2004 – now Member of the Czech Women Bar Association
1994 – now Member of the Czech Bar Association
1990 – 1993 Member of the Commercial Lawyer Chamber
1.9. Practical Achievements – Proceedings at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg
Since the beginning of her professional career, Klára A. Samková has filed the following complaints to the European Court of Human Rights and for her clients she has won the following cases:

Fathers Date Result of the proceeding Complaint No.

Voleský Evžen

29. 6. 2004

Decided - violation of the art 6 section 1 (the first ”father´s” case)


Pedovič Nenad

6. 12. 2005

decided - violation of the art. 6 art. 1, public hearing at the court


Dostál Jaroslav

21. 2. 2006

decided - violation of the art. 6 art. 1


Maršálek Vladimír

4. 4. 2006

decided - violation of the art. 6 art. 1, art. 13


Kříž Václav

9. 1. 2007

decided - violation art. 6 art. 1, art. 8


Mézl Oldřich

9. 1. 2007

decided - violation art. 6 art. 1, art. 8


Patera Luboš

26. 4. 2007

decided – violation of the art. 6 art. 1


Other Date Result of the complaint  


1. 6. 2003



Marek Pavel

18. 10. 2005

recognised as acceptable art. 6 art. 1 and art. 13,

art. 8, priority hearing adjudged, later on returned to national remedial measures



21. 12. 2004

decided - violation of the art. 6 art. 1



18. 4. 2006

decided - violation of the art. 5 art. 3,

art. 6 art. 1


1.10. Experience and successes in proceedings before the Constitutional Court 
Approx. 20 successful complaints filed at the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic

1.11. Other Professional Experience
Regular barristers representation of clients at general courts in the Czech Republic, personal participation in approx. 4000 court hearings by December 2015 (counting then stopped).

1.12. Other Relevant Facts:
2003    Nominated by the President of the Republic for the position of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, the nomination was not approved by the Senate.
*          In possession of negative screening certificate (for collaboration with communist secret police)
Affirming that she has never been a member or candidate for the membership of the Communist Party of the Czechoslovak Republic
*          Language skills:
excellent spoken and written English¨
German on conversation level
Russian on conversation level
Slovak on the level of native language

2.1. Membership in  Organisations:
2016 Founding member of a women association Éra Žen, z.s. (www.erazen.cz)
2016 Member of the Voluntary Rescue Association Otrokovice (http://sdzo.cz)
2014 The European Parliament candidacy for “Úsvit Tomia Okamury” (Czech political party)
2010 - 2014 Member of TOP09 and representative of TOP09, city district - Prague 2 
2009 – 2011  Member of the Administration Board of the Civil Association of Owners of Blocks of Apartments, Apartments and Other Real Estate (see: www.osmd.cz)
2006 – now Vice-chairwoman of the civil association „School for Children“, active involvement in the foundation and operation of a private elementary school for talented children with special needs „Way to Success“. (see: www.cestakuspechu.cz)
2006 – now After baptism and after adopting the second Christian name Alžběta, she is an active member of the Old Catholic Church (see www.starokatolici.cz)
2003 - 2010 Member of the Lions club Prague - Orel, within the framework of the lion's global movement
2001 – now Permanent collaborator of the civil association „Justice for Children - Association for the Protection of Rights of Children, Parents and Grandparents“ (see www.iustin.cz ) protecting first of all the rights of fathers to be in touch with their children after the divorce or break up of the partnership.
1993 – 1998  Ordinary member of the Civic Democratic Party
1990 – 1993 Foundation member of the Romany Civic Initiative
2.2. Popular publications:
2016 That should not happen to an attorney, Klára A. Samková, Prague 2016 (2017 English)
2016 Prologue to the book "Martin Konvička" - Authors Eva Hrindová, Miroslav Adamec, released by Naštvané matky, z.s. 2016
2016 Why Islam Is Not for the Czech Republic, the Bondy Publishing House, Prague 2016
2016 111 jokes about lawyers, Klára A. Samková, Prague
2014 Around Europe with Mum - Traveling Features, Blinker, Prague 2014
2013 I'm writing, so I live - I live, so I write (a selection of blogs published on Aktualne.cz), Blinkr, Prague 2013
2012 “About divorces” – the guide through the divorce procedure and all what is linked with this situation, including the stories from the legal office, Blinkr, Prague 2012
2011 Roma question – psychological reason of social exclusion of Roma/gypsy people (study based on the existencional psychoanalysis of Irwin Yalom), Blinkr, Prague 2011
2008 –2013 External contributor to the tabloid “ONA Dnes” (SHE Today) of the daily Mladá fronta Dnes, section „How does a woman see it – how a man see it.
2012 – now Author of the blog on www.zrcadleni.cz

2007 – 2012 Contributor to the inquiry questions of the journal Romano Hangos; small articles on problems related to the Romany people
2007 – 2012 Author of the blog on www.aktualne.cz, approximately 80 articles focused on law, politics and other topics
2005 – 2012 Regular contributions to the journal of the Civil Association of Homeowners „Roof“
1992 – 1996 Approximately one hundred articles on political and legal matters published in the journals Lačho lav, Amaro Gendalos and Romano Kurko for Romany people
2006 „False Assistant on the Wings of the Parliament.“ Ikar, Prague (story of a deceiver travelling at the cost of the Chamber of Deputies written together with the protagonist of the story Mr. Lukáš Kohout)
2005 Preface to the book of Josef Urban “Time When Men Descend to the Ground” Published by: Opus Bohemiae, 2005, ISBN: 80-902918-3-X pages 3 – 6.
1994 „My Journey to Scarlett (and Something More). “ Road, Prague.) (description of a journey to the south of the USA)
2.3. Media –Self-presentation:
2012 in: Mladá fronta dnes:August 18th – interview,
Server Parliamentary bills (www.parlamentnilisty.cz) – about 20 interviews on political and legal topics.
2011 in: server Parliamentary bills (Parlamentní listy) , Mlada Fronta Today  and some others: several interviews on political issues
2009 in: Pražský deník daily – an interview on legal topics
2009 in: Učitelský zpravodaj – an interview
2008 in: Marianne – an interview on personal and legal questions
2008 in: Ona Dnes – tabloid of the daily Mladá Fronta Dnes –an interview on personal questions
2008 in: Euro – an interview on the European Court of Human Rights
2004 in: Club Magazine (Leaders Magazine Prague) – an interview on personal and legal questions
2003 in: Revue FRAGMENTY – an interview on legal questions
1997 in: Mladá Fronta Dnes, tabloid „Alone with Romany People“ – an interview on personal and legal questions
Presence in TV shows
2017 XTV – 4.5. 2017 a 2. 10. 2017
2015 Partie – TV Prima
2015 (25.8.) Události (“Events”) – commentator of ČT 1 with Michael Kocáb
2012 TV Barrandov – TV show “Political shooting”, the broadcasting talking program “Na Bělidle” – Czech broadcast 6
2011 TV Prima – Show of Jan Kraus
2009 TV Barrandov – invited to the programme of Zuzana Bubílková „Political harassment“
2008 Z1 – invitation to the programme „24 hours with…..“
2008 Z1 – invitation to the programme „13 minutes with Petra Procházková“
2008 ČT 1 – invitation to the talk show of Michal Prokop „Krásný ztráty“ (together with her father PhDr. Bohumil Samek)
2008 ČT 1 – invited to the talk show of Jan Kraus, “Uvolněte se, prosím”
2008 ČT 1 – invited to the talk show “Questions of Václav Moravec”
2003 – 2008 ČT 1 repeated appearance in the evening news programme „Comments and Opinions“.
1997 ČT 1 – Panel discussion programme of Antonín Přidal „ Eyes to Eyes“
1997 ČT 1 – invited to the programme “Great Dipper”
1996 ČT 1 – talk show Arena
Presence in radio programmes:
Participation in approximately 50 debate and discussion programmes broadcast by radio since years including but not limited to Radiožurnál, ČRo 6, programme for Romany people O Roma vakeren, radio Regina.
2.4. Personal Status
2016 appointed as the guardian of the legally incompetent T. S. by the District Court in Ústí and Labem 
2015 - now divorced
2010 - 2015 married to a sports journalist Pavel Skramlík
2007 – now As per March 16, 2007, at own request, appointed by the decision of the District Court Prague 8 the guardian of the minor Tibor Liška who has been in the care of the children´s home Radost, Prague, since 2000.
1998 Daughter Daria Alžběta was born
1993 – 2010 Married to Ivan Veselý, past vice-chairman of the Commission of the Government of the Czech Republic for the Matters of the Romany Community 

2.5. Hobbies:

a) Contemporary fine arts, architecture, theatre, travelling, belles-letters, psychology, pedagogy and esoteric sciences related to the last two named with an overlap to philosophy, eticotherapy, psycho-somatic medicine, Christian theology and Mahayana branch of Buddhism, evolutionary biology, physics, cosmology.
b) Sports: in-line roller skates, downhill ski, running after the family´s uncontrollably rushing Jack Russel terrier, hiking, swimming.
c) Never ending interest in public matters, communication with people using state of art communication technologies; permanent inquisitive interest in modern communication technologies.
2.6. Other Skills and Facts:
Driving licence type B2 (passenger motor vehicles)
Advanced computer skills
Professional typing
Excellent physical condition

Advokátní kancelář Klára Samková s.r.o. (Legal office Klára Samková, Ltd.) is insured against liability for damages up to CZK 50,000,000 per year.

In addition to this insurance, each cooperating lawyer is insured for CZK 7,500,000 per year.

If an attorney neglects his/her work in such a way as to damage the interests of his/her client, the damage incurred shall be reimbursed to the client by the attorney's insurance company.