Parlamentní listy: "Němci se stali nebezpečím pro Evropu."

Novoroční bilancování situace v rozhovoru Kláry Samkové pro Parlamentní listy: 

Commemoration rally at the French Embassy (14.11.2015)

On Saturday, November 14, 2015, Klara Samková attended the memorial gathering for the victims of terrorist attacks in Paris, which took place in front of the French Emb

Cosmopolitan: "Když má tchyně syndrom ukřivděné matky" (11/2015)


Kroměříž: a discuss meeting of Klára Samková with the followers of the Block against Islam

On 27.10.2015 in the town of Kroměříž a discuss meeting of the followers of the Block against Islam with Klára Samková was held.

Video (in Czech language) can be seen HERE

Klára Samková attended a protest meeting against islamic imigration

Klára Samková yesterday (28.10.2015) attended a protest meeting called "No to Islamic immigration" in Brno, that was organized by the Block against Islam together with the political party Dawn - National Coalition.

Klára Samková on radio station Frekvence 1: „I refuse to help refugees!“

 Lawyer and activist Klára Samková appeared on the public series of radio station Frekvence 1 „Press Club“. The primary topic of discussion was the current refugee crisis.

Duel between Klára Samková and Michael Kocáb on the series „Events and Comments“ on Czech Television

 Lawyer Klára Samková and ex-politician Michael Kocáb met on Czech Television's public-law discussion series „Events and Comments“ on the topic of refugeeism and the current immigration crisis in Europe.

The Czech Television board rejected a complaint on the discussion with Samková

 Michal Pavlásek of the Ethnological Institute of the Academy of Sciences and documentary maker Apolena Rychlíková turned to the Czech Television board with a complaint. In their opinion Czech Television made a bad choice of guest for the series „Events and Comments“ on the topic of refugees.

Vocational publications

Roma/Gypsies from the View of Existential Psychology 

Klára A. Samková

Právní důvod k užívání prostor zapsaných jako místo podnikání nebo sídlo podnikatele a novela obchod

Dnem 1. 1. 2012 vstoupila v účinnost novela obchodního zákoníku, vyhlášená pod č. 351/2011 Sb. Tato novela přináší do obchodního zákoníku, ale také do živnostenského práva, hned několik změn.  Jednou z nich je i povinnost, aby podnikatel měl k prostorám zapsaným jako jeho místo podnikání také právní důvod jejich užívání, a to nejen v okamžiku zápisu do obchodního rejstříku, popř. jiné zákonem upravené evidence, ale po celou dobu, kdy jsou tyto prostory zapsány jako jeho místo podnikání nebo sídlo.


Advokátní kancelář Klára Samková s.r.o. (Legal office Klára Samková, Ltd.) is insured against liability for damages up to CZK 50,000,000 per year.

In addition to this insurance, each cooperating lawyer is insured for CZK 7,500,000 per year.

If an attorney neglects his/her work in such a way as to damage the interests of his/her client, the damage incurred shall be reimbursed to the client by the attorney's insurance company.